Basic English A2
Enrique Perales

Basic English A2

Welcome, everyone!

In this course, you will learn how to describe your family, people, places, weather, talk about shopping, health problems, food, holidays, hobbies, music, and routine using simple past, present, and future tense. Also, you will learn to read, write, listen, and speak to English. 

English- Level A1
Eunice Jiménez

English- Level A1

During this course that is going to be for students of basic level, we will be focusing and practicing on the 4 skills of the English language which are; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 

English class A1
Mary Velázquez

English class A1


A lo largo del curso se tendrá contacto con la lengua inglesa, los temas a tratar son en relación al nivel A1. Se trabajarán y practicarán las cuatro habilidades del idioma inglés: listeningreading, writing y speaking.